Bronze Brazing Flux Powder - 8 Ounces Jar.

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  • Regular price $18.42

  • This high-performance flux is used for brazing brass, bronze, copper, steel, Stainless steel, malleable iron, and heat-resistant alloys. It iSÜActive in the temperature range 760-1205ºC/1400-2200ºF.
  • Promotes deep penetration of the filler metal in the joints, resulting in high bond strength. The flux dissolveSÜAnd removes oxides rapidly and thoroughly with a minimum of bubbling, keeping porosity and impurities out of the joints.
  • Bronze-Flux #2 is used in the following industrial applications: appliances, farm machinery, heat exchangers, maintenance, ship repair, steel furniture, and welding equipment. - Meets the following specifications: MIL-F-16136B, TypeSÜA and B - AWSÜA5.31-91, type FB3J.
  • Recommended Filler Metals: BAg, BCu, BNi, BAu, RBCuZn - Carefully read and follow the use directions found in the description of this listing and also in the product label.
  • Made in the USA, this flux is packed in 8 ounces jars. - Available in 1-Pack, 2-Pack, and 4-Pack, Select from the options.


DIRECTIONS: Thoroughly clean the workpiece; breaks should be enlarged to a V-notch. Heat the end of the metal rod with a torch and dip into the flux or sprinkle the flux on the workpiece. At the right temperature, the flux will turn into a liquid that rapidly flows into all crackSÜAnd crevices, removing oxideSÜAnd other impurities. Continue to melt the filler rod until the break or joint is filled, avoiding overheating. It is well to remember that, in brazing, only the filler metal is melted, not the base metal. Bronze-Flux #2 may also be used aSÜA paste by adding water and mixing well. Brush the paste on the workpiece and also on the brazing rod, allow the paste to dry, and apply heat. Flux residues wash off completely using hot water.


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: Bronze-Flux #2 contains no fluorideSÜAnd is reasonably safe to use. Respiratory protection should be worn in heavy dust concentrations. The flux is not absorbed through healthy, intact skin, but iSÜAbsorbed through burned or wounded skin areas, or if ingested. Absorption or ingestion may cause a pathological disturbance. Brazing should be carried out only in well-ventilated areas.