RBCuZn-C - Low-Fuming Bronze Brazing Rod - Flux Coated - 18"

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  • Regular price $18.73

  • " LFBF (Fluxcoated low fuming bronze) is a general-purpose oxyacetylene/brazing rod used for joining various ferrous and non-ferrous metals such as carbon steel, copper alloys, cast iron, malleable iron, Stainless steel, and some nickel alloys. Mechanical and physical characteristics include ductility, machinability, high strength, free-flowing with good tinning action and a low melting point (1630"F) A ""must-have" filler metal for every machine shop, LFBF is excellent for building up worn surfaces or large areas where successive layers must be added; galvanized parts can be brazed without damaging the zinc coating. A precise balance of copper and zinc along with alloying elements of tin, iron, manganese, and silicon produces weld deposits that can be easily machined but work-harden once put into service; high silicon level promotes low fuming ***READ THIS: The main image is for reference only.
  • Please check Picture #2 for an approximate quantity of rods per pound*** Available in different sizes: 1/16", 3/32"and 1/8". Rod Length: 18" for easier maneuverability while welding since flux coated rods cannot be bend. These rods have the alloy and rod diameter printed on the coat for easier identification.
  • Available in different package weights: 1/2 Lb, 1 Lb, 2 Lb, and 5 Lb - Choose rod diameter and package quantity from the menu. " " Recommended Braze-Welding Procedure: Preheating is recommended for some applications, however, overheating should be avoided. Voids may be formed in the joint by entrapped zinc vapors.
  • Bevel cracks or heavy sections. Clean the area to be braze welded as thoroughly as possible. Joint clearances of 0.002" 0.005" (0.05" 0.13mm) are suitable.
  • using a slightly oxidizing flame, preheat the part to be brazed. If using LFB, dip the rod into the bronze brazing flux (there is no need for more flux if using LFBFC) and then back to the area being brazed, while keeping the torch in cons ant motion to avoid overheating. The molten drops of LFB or LFBFC will follow the heat of the torch flame.
  • Repeat the process until the joint is filled (Note: A benefit to using LFBFC over LFB is that it is not neces ary to remove flux residue between passes). Allow the part to cool slowly before removing any s ag, then use a wire brush to bring out a nice yellow brass color.