EFeMn-B - Hardfacing Low Hidrogen High Manganese Electrode - D266 - AWS 5.13 - (11 LBS)

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  • Regular price $66.84

  • Introduction: D266 is a high manganese steel surfacing electrode with low hydrogen potassium type coating AC/DC+ . (When AC welding, Open circuit (no load) voltages of arc welding should be higher than 70V).
  • When surfacing use low current, narrow bead, hammer or water quench immediately when hot to reduce crack tendency. use in austenitic high manganese steel.
  • Due to the appropriate quantity of Molybdenum added to the weld, it increases the wear and crack resistance. Recommendations for welding: High manganese steels, in as cast condition or as weld metal, are sensitive to hot shortness and may crack if subjected to excessive heat.
  • Under normal conditions the base material should not be preheated and interpass temperatures above 200 C should be avoided. Welding outdoor in very cold weather, the base material should be warmed up to 50-100 C.
  • Weld metal hardness, (all weld metal): HB 170 Machinability: Grinding is normally applied. Overheating must be avoided.
  • Redrying the electrodes: 200 C, 2 h. D266 is a high manganese steel surfacing electrode with low hydrogen potassium type coating and added Molybdenum ato increases the wear and crack resistance Weld metal hardness, (all weld metal): HB 170 Min AC OCV: 70 - Polarity: AC, DC + Applicationused for surfacing welding on abrasion parts of all kinds of crushers, high-manganese steel rails, buckets, bulldozers, etc You will receive 11 Lb of 14"L x """1/8" Electrodes