Most commonly used for all-position welding of low carbon 19% chromium "" 9% nickel austenitic Stainless steels such as 304L as well as s abilized grades such as 321 and 347 ***READ THIS: The images are for reference only. Please check Picture #2 for an approximate quantity of electrodes per pound*** The 0.04% maximum carbon content of this electrode preserves the intergranular corrosion-resistant properties of the weld deposit and weld zone, yielding x-ray quality welds. Easy strike and restriking of the arc, smooth arc action, low stageter, and a self-peeling s ag Beautiful finely rippled weld bead, which, when ground or polished, cannot be distinguished from the base metal.
Typical applications include Stainless steel fabrication or repairs in dairy, food, or res aurant equipment, chemical tanks, or as a protective overlay on steel where medium hardness and corrosion-resistant properties are desired These Electrodes are available in Sizes: 3/32" and 1/8" - Available Packages: 0.5 Lb, 2 Lb, and 4.4 Lb - Select your option from the Size Menu - Check Picture #2 for an approximate number of electrodes per pound - 3/32" electrodes are 12" long and 1/8" electrodes are 14" long Instructions: use DC+ (reverse polarity), however, an AC machine with sufficient open circuit voltage may be used. Bevel thick sections to a 60 Vee. Clean the weld zone of all contaminants.
Preheating 300 series Stainless steel is NOT required. The diameter of the electrode chosen should be equal to the thickness of the base metal. use the lowest possible welding current or increase your welding speed in order to avoid overheating or distortion of the base metal.
Overheating Stainless steel can degrade the composition and corrosion resistant properties. The arc length should be kept as short as possible but do not touch the flux-coating of the electrode into the molten weld pool. Hold the electrode at a 15 angle into the direction of travel.
Stringer beads should be used in the flat, horizontal, and overhead positions. The weaving technique should be used for vertical welding but not to exceed two to three times the diameter of the electrode. Remove all s ag before making additional passes.
On the final pass, allow the part to cool down partially before removing the s ag, then promote rapid cooling by quenching with a wet rag or compressed air. This will preserve the corrosion resistant properties of the 300 series Stainless. Do not allow to slow cool.