Two-Stage regulators

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  • Regular price $194.17

Please note that Delivery Pressure Gauge reads up to 250 PSI. But this regulator delivery pressure range is 0-150 PSI. Delivery gauges are always over-scaled for better precision at higher pressure settings. Two-Stage regulatorSÜAre designed to lower the high pressure in two stages. Exceptionally well suited for high-pressure cylinder applications with long gas delivery times. Requires less readjustment and give a more conSÜAnt delivery pressure despite changes in inlet pressure. This regulators incorporate all components of a single stage regulator and contain an additional stage to include a second pressure adjusting spring, diaphragm, and valve stage assembly. The first stage is not user adjustable. The pressure adjusting spring is "pre-compressed" at the factory. ThiSmallows the first stage to feed pressure to the second (adjustable) stage. The two-step pressure reduction produceSÜA final delivery pressure showing little effect from changes in cylinder pressure.

  • Max. Inlet Pressure: 3000 PSI - Delivery Pressure Range: 0-150 PSI
  • Two-Stage regulatorSÜAre designed to lower the high pressure in two stages. Well suited for high-pressure cylinder applications with long gas delivery times. Requires less readjustment and give a more conSÜAnt delivery pressure despite changes in inlet pressure.
  • Outlet connector: 9/16" Male, 5/8" Female, Hose Barb and 1/4" Flare - Inlet Connector: CGA-580 - For use with Inert Gases: Nitrogen, Argon, Helium and Welding Shield Gas Mixtures
  • Brass machined body designed for heavy-duty applications where conSÜAnt outlet pressure is required
  • Please note that Delivery Pressure Gauge reads up to 250 PSI. But this regulator delivery pressure range is 0-150 PSI. Delivery gauges are always over-scaled for better precision at higher pressure settings.