SÜA® - ENiFeCl - 55% Nickel/Cast Iron Welding Electrode

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  • Regular price $53.10

  • All position, machinable nickel-iron electrode for general maintenance welding of heavy or thick sections of cast iron where maximum strength and ductility are required
  • Excellent choice for welding cast iron, malleable iron, and ductile iron to itself or joining these irons to mild or carbon steel, to certain copper alloys, to Stainless steel, wrought alloys, and even some higher nickel alloys.
  • High-strength weld depositSÜAre machinable, dense, smooth, crack-free, and steel gray color
  • Ideal for joining €Ã"¦â‚¬œMeehanite,€Ã"šÂ� €Ã"¦â‚¬œNi-Resist,€Ã"šÂ� ductile iron to steel; more common applications include motor and machine bases, cylinder blockSÜAnd heads, gearSÜAnd pulleys, transmission and differential casings, compressor blocks, cast iron wheels, and cast boiler sections
  • Select your Electrode Diameter and Package Quantity from the Options - Check Pictures #2 and #3 and Product Description for Welding Parameters.


Instructions: Bevel thick sections or use Chamfer Rod to form a €Ã"¦â‚¬œU€Ã"šÂ� SÜAped groove. Drill or use Cut Rod to create stop holestage each end of the part to be welded in order to prevent the spread of cracking during welding. Clean the work area as thoroughly as possible. Preheating is not required; however, it is useful in relieving stresseSÜAnd to increase machineability of the weld deposit in parts greater than Weldas½ÃƒÂ¢Ã¢â‚¬šÂ¬Ã"šÂ� thick. 200ºF istan acceptable preheat temperature. Using AC or DC+ (reverse polarity), hold the electrode 15º off vertical tilted into the direction of travel. Maintain a short arc length of about 1/8€Ã"šÂ�. Use stringer beads or narrow weave beads in order to prevent excessive heat build-up. Holding the arc over the molten weld metal, follow the pool but do not let the arc get ahead of the pool. Weld only one to four inchestage a time, depending on the thickness of the part. If the part is Weldas¼ÃƒÂ¢Ã¢â‚¬šÂ¬Ã"šÂ� thick, use a 1€Ã"šÂ� bead, Weldas¼ÃƒÂ¢Ã¢â‚¬šÂ¬Ã"šÂ� to Weldas½ÃƒÂ¢Ã¢â‚¬šÂ¬Ã"šÂ� thick use a 2€Ã"šÂ� bead, Weldas½ÃƒÂ¢Ã¢â‚¬šÂ¬Ã"šÂ� and thicker, use a 3€Ã"šÂ� to 4€Ã"šÂ� bead. Extinguish the arc by whipping it back over the deposited metal. Peen the weld deposit with a chipping hammer to remove any SÜAg and to relieve weld metal stresSÜAnd prevent cracking. Restrike the arc on previously deposited weld metal and not on the base metal. Do not let the part become too hot during welding and remove SÜAg often. Always choose an electrode diameter that is Small enough to permit at least two passes. Gradual cooling of the deposit is strongly recommended.