RBCuZn-C - LFB Bare Bronze Brazing Rod - 36"

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  • Regular price $40.46

  • LFB (bare low fuming bronze) is a general-purpose oxyacetylene/brazing rod used for joining various ferrous and non-ferrous metals such as carbon steel, copper alloys, cast iron, malleable iron, Stainless steel, and some nickel alloys.
  • Mechanical and physical characteristics include ductility, machinability, high strength, free-flowing with good tinning action and a low melting point (1630F) A "must-have" filler metal for every machine shop, LFB is excellent for building up worn surfaces or large areas where successive layers must be added; galvanized parts can be brazed without damaging the zinc coating.
  • The precise balance of copper and zinc along with alloying elements of tin, iron, manganese, and silicon produces weld deposits that can be easily machined but work-harden once put into service; high silicon level promotes low fuming ***READ THIS: The main image is for reference only.
  • Please check Picture #2 for an approximate quantity of rods per pound*** Available in different sizes: 0.045", 1/6", 3/32", 1/8", 5/32", 3/16" and 1/4" Available in different package weights: 1 Lb, 2 Lb, 5 Lb and 10 Lb RBCuZn-C - LFB Bare Bronze Brazing Rod is a Copper -Zinc Brazing Alloys suitable for gas-flame brazing, high-temperature brazing of copper and copper alloys, nickel, cast iron, and hard alloys.
  • During oxy-acetylene brazing, heat with oxidized flame quickly can lessen the evaporation of zinc and prevent porosity from over -oxidization.
  • The optimum joint gap is 0.025-0.1mm.
  • Flux iSealso neces ary to obtain a good brazing s am.