Argon-Saving Conversion Kits for TIG Torches - Fused Quartz Cups

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  • Regular price $44.04

  • These State-of-the-art TIG torches argon-s aving consumables kits offer a laminar gas flow that provides a better consistent gas coverage than Standard and gas lens collet bodies.
  • Fused Quartz (Pyrex) Cups, allows see-through greater visibility.
  • These kits were designed with a removable screen and a tungsten adapter with an O-ring that allows the Pyrex cup to slip-in and the gas to smoothly flow.
  • Other cheap Pyrex cup kits are just regular gas lens collet bodies with O-rings that leave the thread to interfere with the gas flow, causing turbulence and poor coverage.
  • Each kit comes with 1/16", 3/32" and 1/8" wedge collets and tungsten adapters, 2 x Pyrex Cups, 2 x Collet Bodies, 2 x Heat Shields and 2 x Extra O-Rings.
  • All the accessories needed for the conversion of your torch to Argon-s aving Configuration.
  • Available in Short, Long and Large Diameter Configurations, for 9 and20 and 17, 18 and 26 Series TIG Torches.
  • Select your size option from the menu, check the pictures and make sure it will fit your torch.